Pimp My Views Review – Is The Service For Real

Pimp My Views Review – Is The Service For Real?

Although many individuals in the past gives emphasis only in performing Website SEO, today everyone thinks of Social Media Marketing or SMM to be one of the greatest ways to get traffic via site views and visits. Seeing that many individuals love to make use of social networking sites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and all the other widely used social sites to connect with individuals or maybe just to experience the pleasure in watching totally free video clips, internet marketers conversely, take advantage of the said craze. Web marketers are actually working with these paths for selling their businesses on the internet to keep up with the fast-paced world and to acquire potential prospects through the said websites. If you heard about Pimp my Views, for sure you’ll switch from plain Search Engine Marketing to combining both SEM and SMM. For sure, this Pimp My View review article will enlighten your minds to understan how helpful their service is to you and your business.

Video clips are one of the most effective tools in executing SMM. Nobody would likely ever detest looking at a video especially if they come across a thing that attracts their awareness and boils up their curiosity. The main and leading video site around the globe, YouTube, has a large number of filed video clips inside their database. Likely, lots of people each day from different countries across the world, either generate a free account, or upload a relevant video, or watch a video, or just simply have a look at videos in their web page. Essentially, almost all of the types of videos that you may need can be found in YouTube – all submitted by diverse individuals from several areas. So if you’re into Social media advertising, it is advisable that you use YouTube as part of your techniques or include it in your own tools.

Yet, it is not that easy to gain visitors to check out or appreciate your videos. It could take some time and a lot of hard work in marketing and advertising your YouTube video to other people for them to view it. It would obviously need tolerance, effort, and money, however if performed correctly it could be all worth the effort! Pimp my Views, an incredible video service dedicated to boost your YouTube online video likes, comments, and views, is definitely worth a try. Actually, it truly is more than worth the cost you are going to pay them simply because they sometimes go beyond on your preferred quantity of likes, views or comments. They’ve got exceptional, fast, and dependable consumer support which merely takes about 1-3 hours to deal with your problems or questions regarding their really appealing program. Also, this particular service is really a hundred percent (100%) spam-free, which ensures you of worldwide real-time visitors and reviews only. After you invest in their wonderful service, you will notice an evidently improving daily views and can also be seen several hours immediately after your purchase.

Very well, you might have read or heard of evaluations about pretty much the same program but didn’t work out perfectly with you and would possibly think by now that this is all scam. Does it work? Fortunately, it is not a scam and it really works! Pimp my Views will reduce all your doubts once you try their services. And you will be secured with this analysis that this extraordinary YouTube optimization services are real and reputable! No tricks, 100% working!

James Meyer is an affiliate marketer that merges social media marketing to his techniques to sell out his products. He has been a Pimp my Views subscriber since the beginning and loves to share his awesome experience to everyone. If you want to experience such an amazing result, Buy YouTube Videos or bring your own videos at the top of search engines today!

Best Social Networking Web Design

Today social networking and media are the foundations of advertising and sales. It is difficult to imagine a website selling products and services without integrating with social networking websites, because most of your audience is bereft of the opportunity to view your business. Thus, social networking web design is one of the most important aspects of building websites as it has completely redefined the concept of online advertising.

Integrating business with social networking

Most of the web design companies have expert social media network experts that integrate business portals to top social networking websites to market your services or products with direct links. The impact of social networking web design is at its peak and with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg, Instagram and numerous other social networking sites intermingling, it is easy to catch the attention of the specified cliental with ease. Advertising, marking and sales have skyrocketed with the advent of social networks and web design professionals have realized the potential of it.

With a host of social networking web design services available, ensuring that your website is visible is easy now. However, before you select any company ensure that they have verifiable results and samples that give you an idea about their skills and expertise. By enabling social media with your website, you can gauge the customer feedback which is more accurate that surveys. If your company’s services are not up to the mark, instant customer feedback can help you rectify the defects.

And if you are looking to develop your niche social networking website or forums for other users to share views, website design professionals can work on it with equal ease. There are not just the top names that are associated with it but numerous independent sports, health, photography and even cooking social networking websites flourish. With a host of features such as video chats, audio messaging, music, tags and social bookmarking options available, social networking web design has come of age.

Selecting the best social networking web design service

If you look at the numerous free quotations and features that web site design services provide, there are many companies that have options of selecting free one year hosting plans, low cost maintenance plans while ensuring that your website gets high traffic due to search engine optimization techniques. This is why it is essential to search for a web design company that specializes in social networking. You may have a new concept and you surely do not ant to put it in the hands of an inexperienced designer or a new company. Ensure that the company you select has years of experience developing successful social networking web design. Sit with the designers to ensure that they get a clear idea about what you are looking for. Look at the demo pages they create and give constructive feedback so they work as per your own concept.

Though there are many social networking web design companies, it is better to find cost effective service with better service instead hiring inexperienced designers at cheap prices. Tanya writes about website developments and social media integration at http://magpiewebsitesolutions.co.uk/index.php?webdesign=socialnetwork

How Does Social Media Advertising Assist In Generating Business Revenue

Many businesses question why should they be engaged in social media and what would their social media presence earn them? Panthers Social media advertising London is a hit concept and marketers are dedicating time and money to their social media campaigns. Their only wish is to get more business leads. Social media ads provide opportunity to company owners to convert large traffic into customers.

Most social media ads have mini tabs that resemble a mini website. When users click on the ad they are led to Twitter or Facebook messages posted by the company. They may also watch YouTube videos of the company without leaving the page. It is known that many users rarely click on ads placed beside their search results in major search engines, but the scenario is quite different for social media advertising. Users are interested to see whats going on in the company and learn more when they click on an ad.

According to the latest survey consumers spent on average of 30 seconds interacting with the social media ads which is way beyond the time spent looking or interacting with a Google ad (which is 11 seconds). It has also been seen that more users click on the social media advertising than on other online ads. In a case study a cleaning company had 35 out of every 1,000 users clicking on their Learn More button as opposed to 1 out of 1,000 for general online ads. What is more, social media platforms are creating new ways to make social media ads more engrossing and accessible to their users.

Now that the value of social media advertising is established let us take a look at the potential of two leading social networks in boosting your revenue:


In the recent statistics Facebook claimed to have more than 700 million users. There is huge potential from using Facebook ads:

If your product is innovative and useful, has been based on some ground breaking idea, or requires concept selling then Facebook is the place to promote it. People coming in to Facebook are more open to educate themselves.
If you have released a new version of any product and want to ask the users about their views then Facebook is a great medium. You will get feedback directly from the customers using your product, thus you can completely rely on the evaluation.
You can share useful tips through articles and blogs posted at Facebook. This will let the users know you are knowledgeable and an authority. It will keep the follower engaged and also enrich the knowledge of users.
If you want to get closer to customers then social media ads on Facebook are a great way. You may redirect the users to your contacts or enquiry page where they will be able to clarify any doubts.


Twitter offers much scope to social media users to convey a message to a large targeted audience. You can use the social media advertising for the following purposes:

Announce the release of new products, special offers, deals, collateral release, etc. Social media ads on Twitter have enormous potential of reaching out to a large pool of audience within a short span of time. By using proper hashtags you can get maximum benefits.
You can share interesting articles, news, blog posts, etc. and make the people aware of your expertise in the trade.
Many companies also use Twitter for their customer support. Provided the support staff are well trained in using various features of Twitter this can provide great real time support.

The chances of earning handsome revenues through social media ads abound. You have to just get started!

How Is Social Media Affecting The Event Planning Industry

Emerging trends in the Events Industry

In the past, the event planning industry was used only by the elite. Today, it is being increasingly seen as a way of eliminating headaches and hassles normally associated with events, corporate as well as private ones. According to a recent research the event planning industry is expected to grow by 20 percent from 2006 to 2016. It is no wonder that social media like Facebook and Twitter is being integrated into weddings and corporate events.

Real time updates with Social networks

The massive boom in the events planning industry can be attributed to built-in event tools of social networks. These tools are being used by wedding/corporate event planners to advertise and market their services and also give real-time updates to their followers. Social media has helped the Events planning industry cut down the cost of advertisements and has resulted in the rise in their popularity and profit.

Social media like Linked In, Facebook and Twitter has also increased the face to face interaction taking place during corporate events. The fact that attendees Tweet before the event means that they learn more about the number of people attending, and more importantly, who is attending the event. This has helped promote a wider homogenous interest in the events and target particular crowds.

Location based social media websites

Many corporate events planners are also tying up with Foursquare and other similar location based social media websites to create badges to promote events. These websites are also being used to offer tips to the attendees recommending the important parts of the event, including drink or food items they should not miss! The goal of integrating social media with events in such a manner is to engage potential customers into conversation even before the event takes place.

On the other hand, corporate events at companies like Apple are extremely hush-hush. Organizers and Event planners use Twitter lists to ensure that people attending the conference are not tweeting anything that violates the companys confidentiality policies.

Social media and the big fat wedding

Social media like Facebook and Twitter is increasingly being used to organize, plan and promote weddings: be it a small wedding or large one with over thousand guests. Irrespective of the number of attendees, a wedding planner can benefit largely due to social media. For one, it can promote as well as advertise the services of the planners and secondly the planner gets access to a larger number of resources. Wedding planners get an idea about the popular choice in wedding venues, cake bakers, DJs etc and need not even leave his/her office for this purpose. Today, a Wedding planner can literally sit in Melbourne and yet plan a wedding in Perth, thanks to such social networking!

Couples often announce their weddings on Facebook and get a list of people/RSVPs who are attending the wedding. This saves the costs on printing wedding invites and RSVP cards.

As can be seen, wedding and corporate events planners are increasingly using Twitter, Facebook and other such sites to give, receive and spread information about upcoming events.

Nike’s Marketing Strategy

Nikes marketing strategy rested entirely upon a brand image which is favourable and has evolved into a great multinational enterprise over time. The favourable brand image has been kept afloat due to the strong association with the Nikes logo which is quite distinctive and the slogan Just Do It which has been used in advertisement for quite some time. The company has been known to invest heavily in advertisements and brand promotion (Fill C, 2005 p.54).

Market Segmentation
Most of the consumers of Nikes products are mainly sportsmen. This is so because of the utility that comes with the products. An athlete is more likely to go a sports shoe designed and marketed by Nike more than a person who detests sporting and exercises. Nike targets these consumers by agreements between Nike and athletic teams, colleges athletic teams1 etc for product sponsorship and eventual promotion to the members of these teams. In this way, Nike is able to reach a wide number of consumers and consumers who are more likely to buy. Even though others are likely to buy the products, Nike pays specific emphatic targeting to the athlete more than any group of individuals even though it also targets the youth who have embraced the hip hop culture (Mercer David, 1996, pp 171).

Targeting strategies
Nike lays a number of strategies to target their immediate consumers; athletes and other sportsmen. The targeting strategies include among others the sponsorship of products by professional athletic teams, celebrity athletes and college athletic teams. This strategy is specifically successful because of its ability to reach a large number of athletes. If the athletic team manager prescribes a specific type of track shoes made by Nike, the trainees have no option other than to buy them. The teams can as well buy the track shoes in bulky and supply them to the team members.
The second strategy that Nike applies is the designing of product destination. It does this by associating success with the product. For example, when a celebrity athlete sponsors a specific brand of athletic shoes, the brand will be associated with success. This psychological effect is reinforced with advertisements that affirm this position.
Finally, Nike targets the consumers who are likely to develop product intimacy; those who care more about the utility and quality of the product than the price. In this way, the pricing is not affected too much in a bid to accommodate a large number of consumers. However, price has also been factored in Nikes marketing strategies as shall be seen later in this paper (Frank, 2004, p.173)

Pricing Strategies
As stated in the foregoing section, Nike targets the consumers who embrace product intimacy and thus care less about the product. This has enables Nike to set relatively higher prices than its competitors. This is a strategy that calls for higher pricing points so as to push the perceived product value. It has been established that consumers who consider a product to be of high quality are likely to pay the high price more often and consistently. Once consumers develop product intimacy, they come to associate their person with the product and will pay whatever price quoted on the product provided it has the Nike logo on it.
Another very important thing to note is the fact that Nike uses the vertical integration pricing strategy in which they take ownership of the participants at channel levels that differ and they also engage in multifarious channel level operations both in a bid to control costs and thus influence pricing function (Goldman S, 2000, pp154)

Distribution Strategies
Distribution strategies embraced by an organization can either give them an edge in market or make them lag behind the winners in the market. The more efficient the product distribution is the more sales and thus more profits. The delivery of the right product and at the right time to the consumer not only effects utility but also leads to high degree of consumer satisfaction and loyalty. Nike distributes its products on level basis. The high priced premium products are given to certain distributors while leaving the low priced to be sold at highly discounted prices at mega retail stores such as Wal-Mart. Whereas Reebok embraced a limited distribution strategy Nike ventured more into a global3 market capitalization (Jeannet J, 2000, pp 44).

Promotional and Communication Strategies
Apart from Nike selling quality products which have lead to a high degree of customer loyalty, the promotional strategies that the company employs are simply superb. Nike has contracted a number of professional and celebrity athletes which have managed to draw a considerable attention to their products. Some of the sportsmen signed by Nike include soccer stars such as Ronaldinho, Ronaldo and Roberto Carlos, Basketballers such as Jermaine O’Neal and Lebron James2, triathlete Lance Armstrong and golf superstar Tiger Woods. This has created a relatively high degree of Nike products awareness. Besides the signing of celebrity sportsmen to promote their products, Nike has also employed a great deal of advertisements through the mass media. Nike employs a selective- demand advertisement focused on the high priced shoes used for traditional sports (Goldman S, 2000, pp154).

Nike has remained and continues to remain at the top of production and distribution of sports gear and equipment. However, it should be noted that competitive pressure cannot allow Nike to sleep at the top. The recent Reebok- Adidas merger poses a great challenge to devise new marketing strategies to continue leading or recede to oblivion. The following recommendations are suggested in a situation where marketing management is competent. These include:
Increased market share through a new product development, competent pricing strategies, advertisement and other sound promotional activities.
Restructure market dominance by driving away competitors mainly through fierce promotional strategy coupled by pricing function that will make the market quite unattractive for the competitors.
Increased social responsibility to strengthen the image of the company
Diversification of market through factoring the Asians and Black Americans in their product promotion besides doing a research to establish the tastes of these groups.
Venture into new distribution channels especially in international markets
Different pricing strategy so as to open up a new market segments.

All the above show a competent marketing management can hoist organizations top become market leaders and making the market leaders maintain their competitive edge in the market through adherence to marketing ethics, marketing plans and well thought out and formulated marketing strategies.