Factors that should be considered while choosing a social media agency

Social media marketing has turned out to be a highly effective business marketing strategy in recent times, and many business entrepreneurs are attempting to utilize its benefits. There are various social media agencies offering their social media marketing services in Sydney. However, choosing the best social media agency among them is not an easy task. It is only through proper market research and comparative analysis of the closest competitors would help you choose the best company offering social media solutions. After choosing a company, you need to talk to a social media consultant who would provide you with effective suggestions about how to use the social media benefits to improve the scope of your business.

If you are scouring the World Wide Web while searching for a trustworthy social media agency in Sydney, you should take into account different factors and finally choose the service-provider that you find to be most suitable for you. Here are a few tips that may help you chose the right social media agency:

Portfolio: You should thoroughly examine the portfolio of the agency. Make sure that the firm is there in the social media world for a number of years and has successfully completed many projects in the past. You can refer to the client testimonials to know about what the past clients of the agency think about the services provided by the agency.

Find out the Marketing Strategies of the Company: You should acquire an in-depth knowledge about the social media marketing strategies of the company. A reputable company not only targets the users of the popular social networking websites but at the same time utilizes the potential of video promotion, blogging, bookmarking and various other effective social media tools to promote a business.

Effectiveness of the Strategies Implemented: Try to assess the concerned agency ability to supervise if the strategies implemented for social media marketing are effective enough to increase the visibility of a business. The agency should be extremely keen about monitoring the results on every social media websites that it uses. You should also try to acquire knowledge about the reporting tools that the agency uses to keep you updated about the progress of your social media marketing project. You can talk to a social media consultant of the company to know about the strategies followed by the company.

Price: You should do a thorough market research to find out if the price quoted by the agency is reasonable. Make sure that the money you invest on your social media marketing campaign provides you with a good return on investment.

Customer Support: A reliable social media agency will offer round the clock customer support services. You need to ensure that if you approach the agency with specific queries, the agency should be able to provide you with instant and proper response. You also need to inquire about what communication platforms are used by the company.

Keep in mind that a reputable social media agency has a prominent presence in the social media world. You can search the social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ to find if the concerned company has accounts in these sites. We are a top-notch social media agency in Sydney. You can talk to a social media consultant and know about the social media services we offer.

Social Networking Sites And Emoticons

Now a day with social networking, a new social media character has started building in us. The social media has encroached in every facet of our life and became the fastest way of remaining in touch with our loved ones while living far. This new habit of social networking has even drowned television and now days people spend more of their time in social networking then in watching television. Now instead of spending hours on long telephonic conversations now people have developed a new social media lifestyle. The other communication media like radio is used only while driving. Newspaper, magazines and books remain untouched on the table as we are more curious to do Facebook update.

Today, we are so much addicted to these social networking sites that they have become one of the daily chores of our life. Whether in a professional world or personal circle, these social networking sites help us in staying updated with our friends and colleagues. By these social networking sites, we keep ourselves updated about the latest happenings and gossips of our associates.

There is a treasure of unusual symbols on social networking sites that provide so many options to everybody. The chat software of social networking sites is basic and clean easier to use. The social networking sites offer different tools for interesting conversation. Such tools can be found by hidden shortcut keys that help in creating different emoticons on the chat interface. Even some companies have added their own versions of faces and objects that can be viewed with shortcut keyboard keys.

The text symbols are also popular in chat rooms. The most common one is the “@” which is used for referring specific individual. So if you want to refer someone then this symbol is used. RT is another symbol, which is the shortened version of “ReTweet”. This is used to tell the followers about what someone else had said. You want to send a private message to your friend then just type “d username yourmessage”. This way you can send a direct message to your friend and nobody else will be able to view it.

So many chat emoticons are used on social networking sites by different people to express different emotions according to the situations. The use of these emoticons has made the conversation livelier and fun to do. As the usage is different so the opinion about every character and symbol also vary. Some people use special characters like heart while talking with their loved one while others prefer to use basic smile faces. Some people like to use different and cool emoticons in their chat sessions, as they want their chat to be unique and interesting.

Even there is the widespread use of emoticons, symbols, characters on forums and blogs. It shows how real and strong is the staying power of the emoticons and special characters. More and more usage and implementation of emoticons and icons in chat rooms and blogs has raised its popularity among net surfers.

Plan of action to drive traffic to your website

Ever wondered what it takes to get frequent visitors on your website? Just launching a website is not sufficient to boost your website traffic and attract leads. Your efforts should go beyond adding tags and keywords.

Here are a few things to get you started –

Search engine optimization – Search engine optimization is important to a business as 90% of all online traffic is achieved through the various search engines. Therefore, the key to success is to know how well you can properly market your company through search engine optimization. Make sure your website is search engine optimized with the necessary meta-tags and meta- descriptions.

Submit articles and press releases – Write articles and press releases and submit to various sites online. Make sure to mention your company contact information at the end of each post.

Social media marketing – Develop online presence by actively participating on major social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn etc. Keep people engaged with relevant materials and offers. Join groups and become an active participant.

Blogging – Write and post blogs about your business on a regular basis. Frequency of the post can range from 3 to 5 times a week. Make sure the content of your blog is fresh and not repetitive. Include information which will help your audience and try to avoid advertising your business.

Marketing forum – Join your business related forums where you can converse with other people involved in the forum. Encourage people to post comments and participate. Create a healthy conversation. Make sure to add information about your company and the link to your website on all the accounts created on social media, blogs and forums. Make it customary to add links to relevant pages on your website.

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Engaging Your Dental Office in Social Media

Your dental office knows it wants to establish an online presence and with a website already set in place, you’re on the right path. However, setting up and maintaining a website is really the tip of the iceberg when it comes to getting your name out to the internet audience. Increasing your involvement in social media (or just getting started with it if you haven’t done so already) can be a great addition to your marketing efforts and here’s why:

Social media gives your dental practice more personality Your posts on Facebook or Twitter allow you to build a little character while communicating with the people that are following your page. You can use status updates on Facebook or Tweets on Twitter to engage your audience informally or with a sense of humor if you’d like. The point is, your audience has a chance to see you as more than just a stiff, no-nonsense dental office.

It allows for greater doctor-patient communication Chances are the people following you on Twitter, -liking- your page on Facebook, and reading your blog posts are either current patients or potential patients. Knowing this, you can make your content relevant to what these people want to hear such as posting interesting news articles on dentistry, keeping them updated and informed with news about the office, or offering special deals and discounts exclusively for your social media followers.

It ultimately gives you better web presence The more engagement you have with social media, the larger presence your dental office will have on the internet and won’t just be limited to your website. The more content you generate and the more avenues your office takes to present its message, the more searchable your office becomes to those using Google, Yahoo! or Bing to find your office.

Social media is an important part of a comprehensive internet marketing plan and we at Dental Net Designs would be more than happy to help you get started on it.