Many businesses question why should they be engaged in social media and what would their social media presence earn them? Panthers Social media advertising London is a hit concept and marketers are dedicating time and money to their social media campaigns. Their only wish is to get more business leads. Social media ads provide opportunity to company owners to convert large traffic into customers.
Most social media ads have mini tabs that resemble a mini website. When users click on the ad they are led to Twitter or Facebook messages posted by the company. They may also watch YouTube videos of the company without leaving the page. It is known that many users rarely click on ads placed beside their search results in major search engines, but the scenario is quite different for social media advertising. Users are interested to see whats going on in the company and learn more when they click on an ad.
According to the latest survey consumers spent on average of 30 seconds interacting with the social media ads which is way beyond the time spent looking or interacting with a Google ad (which is 11 seconds). It has also been seen that more users click on the social media advertising than on other online ads. In a case study a cleaning company had 35 out of every 1,000 users clicking on their Learn More button as opposed to 1 out of 1,000 for general online ads. What is more, social media platforms are creating new ways to make social media ads more engrossing and accessible to their users.
Now that the value of social media advertising is established let us take a look at the potential of two leading social networks in boosting your revenue:
In the recent statistics Facebook claimed to have more than 700 million users. There is huge potential from using Facebook ads:
If your product is innovative and useful, has been based on some ground breaking idea, or requires concept selling then Facebook is the place to promote it. People coming in to Facebook are more open to educate themselves.
If you have released a new version of any product and want to ask the users about their views then Facebook is a great medium. You will get feedback directly from the customers using your product, thus you can completely rely on the evaluation.
You can share useful tips through articles and blogs posted at Facebook. This will let the users know you are knowledgeable and an authority. It will keep the follower engaged and also enrich the knowledge of users.
If you want to get closer to customers then social media ads on Facebook are a great way. You may redirect the users to your contacts or enquiry page where they will be able to clarify any doubts.
Twitter offers much scope to social media users to convey a message to a large targeted audience. You can use the social media advertising for the following purposes:
Announce the release of new products, special offers, deals, collateral release, etc. Social media ads on Twitter have enormous potential of reaching out to a large pool of audience within a short span of time. By using proper hashtags you can get maximum benefits.
You can share interesting articles, news, blog posts, etc. and make the people aware of your expertise in the trade.
Many companies also use Twitter for their customer support. Provided the support staff are well trained in using various features of Twitter this can provide great real time support.
The chances of earning handsome revenues through social media ads abound. You have to just get started!