Social media optimization (SMO) is a relatively new term. So dont beat yourself on the head if you have not heard much about it.The term came into use after Rohit Bharagava first used it to describe changes that are implemented in a website to increase its visibility in social media searches.
If SMO sounds a lot like SEO, theres a reason. Both are two sides of the same coin. Like SEO, SMO is aimed to drive huge volumes of targeted traffic to your website. Good SMO tactics can even decide the future of your start-up website.
Social Media is a loose term used to describe all those activities and tools through which people share their experiences, perspectives and ideas with each other. The most popular forms of social media include networking, blogs, vlogs, forums, audio and video. In other words, you could say that social media is the use of any tool that helps to build an online community where people can come together.
Social Media Optimization has hit online business and service sectors in a huge way simply because search engines are no longer the only tools for driving traffic to websites. Today, there are more powerful tools, namely social media, that can drive waves of targeted traffic to your site. As of date, SMO has not completely usurped the mighty Raj of SEO, but if you peer into the not-too-distant-future, chances seem quite shiny for SMO. Which is why entrepreneurs need to look at social media optimization more closely.
Social media optimization strategies help because you can easily use these strategies as effective marketing tools. You can quickly spread your marketing message through blogs, videos and audio. Social media networking is almost akin to good old word-of-mouth techniques, where one person spread the good word to another and so on, until large groups are actively involved. In fact, social media optimization is as powerful as a tidal wave when it comes to attracting web traffic. This is pull marketing at its best.
Social media optimization can boost your website rankings in a number of ways. It increases your linkability and brings you huge volumes of inbound links. It creates interest and woos customers.
Some of the best ways to manage your SMO strategy is: 1.Know your audience: The first step is to know your target audience. Know where your appeal lies and know how to charm this target audience. 2.Content creation: Social media is more like the ads you see on TV, where the content is so startling/attractive/thought-provoking as to pull mass attention. It really does not matter what product you are selling (it could be a boring old widget or it could be the latest diet miracle), create content that will hit the jugular. All you need to know is how to create content that works. 3.Be sincere: Social media is about translating your genuineness into your product. Do not fake it. Participate in the communication process, create awareness and work at prolonging the buzz you have created through your social media tool.
For more information relating to social media optimization you can visit